Friday, February 26, 2010







不常听的福建歌,好好听 :)



出乎意外的好。我一直以为他会出错,但他就是没有。Impressed. 把Eagles 的"Desperado"诠释得很棒。我想封他为“大师”级的唱将。连裁判都玩起来了,真是厉害。


Thursday, February 25, 2010








Monday, February 22, 2010

a piece of good news

I was surprised to receive a sms from Daniel Fan this afternoon.

DF- "mr tan, i finally passed my acca."
me- "congratulations! this calls for a treat! name the time and place. been a long time since we met."
DF - "weeknites are better for u, rite?"
me- "can, let me know. and congrats once again. good for u! i'm proud of u and very happy for u too."
DF- "thanks ya, i am so happy. took me 3 heart-aching years. arghh."

Then we went on about what to eat and when to meet and I said that he can decide since it is to celebrate his graduation and that I'll be paying.

DF- "oh please. i insist on paying. let me hv the honour since u have given us so much as a teacher in the past."

The conclusion is that I'll pay this time and he'll take the next one.


Daniel Fan is probably the brightest boy I've taught. Not the most hardworking nor the most diligent, but certainly one of the smartest.

What I remember most about him is that I "killed" him at his prelims. In my younger and naive days as a teacher, I felt the need to be smarter than my pupils and had to outsmart them and let them know who ruled the class. That year, the class was so good that I had to dig out my A level books to set questions for the O level prelim. I modified the questions, spent days crafting each question so that I could test as many concepts as I can in one single question and ... I did it.

A few pupils still did relatively well for the paper as they stuck to the rules and attempted all the questions and got the "format" marks. But Daniel was too adamant. He just could not admit that he could not find the figures. He'd rather let go of the marks than to admit that he could not solve it. He just kept trying for the whole three hours. He didn't fail, but he didn't do too well either.

After the exams, I felt kind of bad and worried that I might have demoralised him and the others. What if they give up now and think that they are not going to do well in the actual exams anyway, so why bother to work hard anymore? But thank goodness he got the distinction he so deserved for the actual O level paper.

You see, he stuck to his guts and I admire him for that.

Daniel, thanks. You made my day. Thanks for the sms this afternoon. Thanks for sending me the good news and most of all, thanks for being the quiet, attentive and smart boy who sat in my class years ago. I am so glad we met.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

the other two

met up with stephanie and yuyan too.

steph came over from jakarta with her boyfriend. we met on friday at wheelock's starbucks. this girl kept in touch with me even when she was in the states. she called, sent cards and gifts and we met for lunch once, i think, when she came back. i only taught her cme. not really teach. i don't think i taught much. we did all those life skills stuff, tell stories, watch movies, write letters. that's about all i did with her class. but strangely, those she remembers :)

yuyan i taught accounts. this is a very diligent and well-behaved boy in class. he sent me a sms two weeks ago inviting me to a gathering. he was going to start his national service and wanted to party. i did not go to that gathering but we met up on the same day i met stephanie, about 11pm. we went to simpang bedok. this is one boy i know who will always be dependable. on the following monday, he came to NLS and we had lunch. such a thoughtful young man.

i wish both of you well. and i know you will be.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

thanks Peter, thanks Teck Koon

tonite is another one of those where i feel like perhaps i've done something right. not that i might have had anything to do with them being who they are now, but more because i hv the good fortune of seeing them again, all nice and proper.

peter dropped out, like he said tonite, quietly. he's got his degree and has already secured a job at the IR. he thought that tonite he might have "jitters" meeting me, but actually felt very "at peace" :)

teck koon came in a long-sleeve shirt and dress pants. he is doing accounts now. he also went a big round and today is all decent and pleasant.

we ate at tampines mall and before we said bye bye, peter said that we could go to his friend's place at siglap next time. that place serves food and drinks and we could chill there. and he said it'd be "cool" to drink with a teacher. how silly :)

these two, i remember. they were in the band. and i think i taught teck koon in class too. he was quiet but mixed with "bad" company. Peter often got into trouble. for what, i can't remember.

but all those are not important anymore. peter himself said that it was silly, to do those silly things. when a "kid" says that, i think he has come a long way. teck koon says that he is busy with work but he still wants to study. he said that he must at least go get a degree.

the funny thing is that they still come back to you :) like with charles, i don't think i've spoken to these two this much when they were in school. and yet, we could sit at a dinner table years later and talked about things that happened years ago.

a very pleasant evening.

i am so happy for the two of you.

thanks Peter, thanks Teck Koon.