Sunday, June 10, 2007

seeing double

one good thing about my brother is that he knows how to make the best of things. he is a very positive person, much more than i am. i don't know why i am writing this about him but i guess someday he should know that i think quite highly of him, with respect to this.

today bro and wife brought kaikai and yingying on a bus ride. they went to ride on a double-decker. kind of like a nice, fun family excursion except that the air-conditioning could have been too cold on the bus.

and bro took the twin-seater sofa in my study to put it in his van. now that has become a luxurious van, the most luxurious one i've seen. that's my brother. he comes up with cheap, crazy and yet brilliant ideas. i think he got that from dad. father was very good with things too. he was very good with his hands and very intelligent.

i often think that father will be very pleased with bro if he is still here today. he would be a happy grandfather. and i sometimes wonder what he'd say about the flat now.

time heals. does it?

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