Tuesday, August 21, 2007

one half - 881

when royston tan came to the school to give that assembly talk, i had no idea i was speaking to the man who made this show. he is this humble, friendly guy who explained why he was late and what happened to his flight the previous week. a rare celebrity, i'd call him.

watched 881 with HL, @ncy and bK on National Day. How else to celebrate our country's 42nd birthday? i'm really quite proud of the show. it's homemade and totally heartwarming. there were tears, of course.

and i love the song too. catchy melody and mega meaningful lyrics. and whoever sang it sang it so well and real. the hokkien verses made the song more authentic and closer to the heart. bravo! bravo! bravo!

think i'll buy a copy of the dvd to keep when it's out, kind of like trying to preserve our culture. a tiny bit. try.


Chief said...

I like the song. Simple and nice.

tengboche said...

i like the song too. has this very calm and real kind of feel.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to download 881 from the internet? I don't think I can get it in Malaysia though. I am a big fan of Singapore movies, have been watching them since small!