Sunday, March 23, 2008

perth 2007

凌晨两点抵步柏斯(Perth),取了车子开往Sorrento Beach Resort, 开始了这一次我们七人一组的澳洲之旅。


告别柏斯,车子往南开去,我们在玛格丽特里弗(Margaret River)住了两晚。这一站,我们去了莓果园,酿酒厂,巧克力工厂以及坚果工厂,享用了美食好酒,乐在其中。

下一站是瓦尔普(Walpole)。位于瓦尔普诺那路普国家公园(Walpole Nornalup National Park)中央,附近高大的廷格桉(Tingle)树林和人迹稀少的海岸让那里风景一枝独秀。树顶道(Tree Top Walk)和“古老帝国”(Ancient Empire)是两大世界知名景观,叫人叹为观止。


(sent to 我报 on 19 Jan 2008, Saturday -- published on 17 Apr 2008)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

dumb tigress

last saturday i was at the budget terminal to send kai kai & ying ying (plus their parents) off to HCM. the tiger counter girl was so rude and the staff next to her, either her supervisor or understudy, was quiet all the way. it was infuriating.

she checked in 5 pieces of luggage and then told us that we were 28 kg overweight and had to pay $280 for excess baggage, or we could remove things from that last piece of lugguage. i asked her to bring back those earlier 5 pieces and she said "cannot" - a flat "cannot". if this was in a cartoon, you would have seen smoke coming out of me! and she had to add oil to the fire. she further commented, "i told you earlier to check in one by one."

i knocked on the counter and repeated, "bring back my luggage". thank god for miin's friend Roy who had the sense of mind to step in. if not for his "distraction", i might have been a modern day 武松 :)

i think the problem could be that these young "punks" are not "service" people. they are there to work and work only. totally brainless.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

wonderful tonite

it's 12 midnite on 13 march 2008. i guess i'm a night person. at this time of the day, i usually think better. my mind is clearest.

was just sorting out the HCM pictures earlier. what do i do with so many pictures? one's memory can but hold that much, isn't it?

had a good lunch with lynette this afternoon. this fine young lady is adorable. and you know she is real after spending 5 minutes with her. she is that kind students will love and respect and her bosses will too. we chatted candidly over a sandwich lunch. very nice indeed.

calvin asked how come he's not mentioned in my blog? and he said i should write that he is a nice guy. he is, in fact. and to be honest, i think i've been really quite lucky. all my friends are nice people. i'm grateful we crossed paths.

good nite, everyone.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

second time in HCM

i think i could be getting used to travelling. only packed this moring. the flight was scheduled to take off at 12.30 pm and we left home at about 10.15 am. not sure what time the plane took off as i was sleeping already. the next thing i knew was that the air stewardess has placed 3 arrival/departure cards on my lap.

this time, our group is 15-member strong, 5 from my side, 10 from bK's.

i really can't remember (too) much from the previous trip here. i don't suppose much has changed but i think it could also probably be that i'm rather tired and can't recall much. i'm tempted to say that that's a sign of aging but i also heard that old people remember things it'll be kind of contradicting.

sharon says the people here arn't that polite. i might have to agree with her. i recall the hong kong people are nicer. here, it seems, they are not smiling as much now :)
this being the first post in 2008, i shall wish all visitors to my this tiny space a very happy and healthy 2008, and to my dear cousin who's still sleeping at SGH a speedy recovery.

have a good one!