Saturday, March 20, 2010

dinner with ben

"Hi teachers, are you free in March? I would like to bring the three of you to either lunch or dinner, depending on your preference."

"There's no need for a call for special occasion to treat you guys. Been wanting to do that for a while. Have long regarded you as people who matters in my life. Till today, I'm still very thankful for the effort you have put in which asked for nothing in return."

"Hello teachers, remember the treat that I mentioned? Just checking if you have any preferred dates? I have in mind The Line. Is that okay with you? Hear from you soon!"

"Shangri-La. Is that too far? I can't think of any other good buffet in the east."

"I have not been to The Line but read from reviews that the food is quite good. What's the per head price at Rose Veranda? If it is too cheap, I'm afraid I'll have to give that a miss cuz I'm not saving for a treat on you guys. Really, don't have to save for me, it'll be money well spent."

"I really look upon you guys as important people."

"This is what people mean by 'you don't have to be rich in order to be blissful'. It is also my principle in life to remember the people who have been nice to me. Though the period was really short, you guys did nurture me into a better person. I only regret not scoring well for my 'O's but I realised that I'm not really study material. However, that does not give me any reason to forget you guys. Your thoughtfulness and generosity has struck me and I'm really thankful that I've met you guys."

Ben, compared to my peers, I'm probably one of the poorest money-wise. With an accounting degree I could have gone further but I've never once regretted the switch. Sometimes I do feel like I could have given my family more if I were richer. So I give all that I have now. I do not keep for myself, except for maybe the occasional pamper :) Other times, I feel that if I had more money, I'd be able to help more people. So now I do the little things within my means to help, one by one. We can't change the world, but we can certainly do our single best. What makes me happy and keeps me going are people like you who make the world a little nicer.

I did not teach Ben when he was in school. I taught him after he left school. He was trying to do the 'O' levels as a private candidate and needed some help. A few of us packed his schedule and took turns to tutor him in the evenings. We thought that if a kid really wanted to learn, the least we could do was to be available. It was natural for him to struggle as he was jumping from N(T) to the 'O's. What I liked about him was that he was always on time and diligent. He even brought the cup to the kitchen and washed it before he went home each time. Really, education cannot and should not just be about results. 'Kids' like Ben taught me that there is more to school and learning. Ten years down the road, should the kids in my classes now do more than okay, then I must have done something right.

Thanks Ben for dinner, and for crossing my path. Next one's on me.

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